Chinese tallow for turning

Anyone want some fresh cut Chinese tallow?

Hi Shane, I’m interested in taking a piece. Will I be able to cut it into slabs on the large bandsaw? I want to try making some wooden spoons with it

Chinese Tallow can be difficult to eradicate once established. It’s down but not dead yet. I’ve also got a small tree I plan on taking out soon. I’m sure you’ve done the research. Good decision on removal.

You want the forked section or straight?

The straight section please!

Neighbor’s tree. Helped with trunk removal.

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It’s in the woodshop. In the corner by the lathes.

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Thank you Shane!

Reminder that the log is awaiting you. Needs to be picked up soon please.

In the Central Texas Woodturners Association, it was recently brought to our attention that Chinese Tallow is toxic including sap, leaves and seeds. I have actually turned a fair amount of it and was not bothered by it. Others have had significant respiratory reactions, and skin irritation. They recommended not using it for any food use and not burning it. I’d guess that turning it green is not wise. Mine was pretty dry already when started working it.

@Glory2God ^^^

Thank you @jamesfreeman. When I sliced it, I definitely got skin irritation from the saw dust on my hands and arms. I’ll find another use for it!