Can anyone recommend a local foundry?

Hi folks. I have two small objects (ornamental boxes about 3" square) I have 3D printed in castable wax. Can anyone recommend a local foundry that is capable of doing small casting jobs? Someone has recommended Pyrology in Bastrop, but it seems like they specialize in large objects and I think these are more suitable for a place that is accustomed to doing jewelry and small art objects.

ACC has a jewelry casting class. Maybe they can cast it for a fee?

I was the metal casting foundry Lab instructor at Texas State University.

They have classes. Ping a professor, I can connect you with some students.


Great suggestions, thank you!

Someone at Asmbly mentioned this place to me…

I think they also do custom repairs. Don’t know if they custom cast. Steve has been casting for decades

Eric Peterson does some Metal Casting.