Call for Editors to Join the Video Library Project 📢

Hello Asmbly! We need your expertise!

If you have a background in editing and want to help, join us in creating an instructional video library for our members. We’re currently working on a video for the new miter saw and need assistance. Whether you can help short-term or long-term, please get in touch!

Learn more about the project here. Thank you! :pray:


I plan to participate. I am trying not to spread myself too thin at the same time.

Thank you everyone who is helping build this foundation for the community.

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I’ve done Audio editing in a former job, not video. I can volunteer if you can show me. If you need only experienced volunteers, won’t hurt my feelings lol

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Hi, I’d love to help! I’ve edited my own short films my whole life.

I just moved (right down Dessau from Asmbly!) so my schedule is pretty packed for the next two weeks. I’d be able to meet in the workspace to talk details, but won’t be able to spend time editing in earnest until mid July.

If that works, let me know!

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Thanks! I’ll DM you.