I recently got a Bambu P1S, and I’m ready to order some more filament. There’s currently a bulk discount, but I don’t need to buy that much right now. Would anyone like to go in on an order with me? Or possibly ASMBLY itself, if there are any plans to provide Bambu filament for members to use?
I’m not sure what constitutes a bulk order, but I could always use a little more filament. How much were you thinking about buying?
I would buy some. What is the type of filament?
Not to sound like too much of a shill, but…
The sale is for 15% off 6+ rolls, or 25% off 10+ rolls. I only want maybe four, so another six from others would reach the 25% discount. I’m not sure when it ends so I’d like to order ASAP. If anyone wants some printer accessories, we can add those to the order as well.
Bambu sells the usual variety of materials, colors, etc. What differentiates their filaments is that the rolls come with an RFID tag, which is used by their AMS device to identify the filament, and communicate with the slicer app to show the material info and select appropriate print settings. It’s a big workflow improvement for me, and it also enables my wife and kids to print with minimal help from me.
So, there are probably cheaper suppliers, but I’d like to build up some stock of AMS-tagged materials.
I’ve had a P1S for ~8 months now, and I’ve never seen them not have the filament on bulk discount haha. Not sure if it’s always the same percentage/volume, but theres always something. I agree that it’s generally not worth it to try and buy without hitting that threshold.
I’m not in dire need of filament, but like Scott said I could always use a little more; you can count me in for a few rolls. Let me know when you’re putting it together and I can send you what I’d want.
I agree with your assessment of Bambu filament – they’re a big workflow improvement, tend to ‘just work’ (aside from some rolls I’ve gotten that could benefit from some drying), and really when you utilize the bulk discount they are pretty cheap – I dont find many better deals than $15/roll
I also need a new 0.4mm complete hotend, but I may just try to rebuild my old one as I have a new hotend body as well as my old electronics – can get back to you on that one.
Also caveat to the ‘just work’ assessment is when, a few months back, they changed PLA suppliers or manufacturing processes and ended up taping the ends of the filament to the cardboard tube with too-strong tape, resulting in clogged AMS and big headaches. I bought like 8 rolls of PLA and had to babysit each one as they were nearing empty, and still clogged my AMS like 3 times
Supposedly they’ve fixed the problem though
I’ve had the same problem with Bambu filaments not unspooling properly and messing up the ams. I bought a ten roll bundle of Sunlu off amazon and it has been working great.
I’d be in for buying a few rolls.
@alan do you want to put the order in? I’m also happy to take care of it and distribute once it lands.