Book binding anyone?

Hey there. First time posting in a while (maybe ever) please let me if there is a better method.

My wife is very interested in learning book binding. She is getting the basic starter supplies for christmas but i was hoping to get he in touch with someone that has some experience to help jumpstart the learning.

Does anyone at the space do bookbinding and be would be interested in teaching the basics?


I don’t, but I’ve watched a lot of Nerdforge on YouTube and would be delighted to see people at Asmbly getting into this. If y’all haven’t seen this and are into silly maker videos, this is a pretty fantastic one —

@Cfranke if you strike out with folks here (and depending on time/money your wife is willing to spend), there is a place in town that offers various workshops related to that kind of thing:

They’re probably trying to schedule some for 2024 at the moment, but you can always email and ask if they have any idea when it’ll be figured out.


My partner studied it for a while during college. She switched to a different area, but definitely knows the basics. I’m trying to get her to join. When that happens, I think she’d be interested in teaching it!


There’s a book binding makerspace!!! It’s a passionate but retired crew of book enthusiasts but they have a ton of equipment and reaching out directly will get you in faster than hoping for updates via the internet. I’m sending you a link to one of the gal’s Facebook.

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Thank you! I’ll share with my wife.

She loved the book binding equipment I got her for christmas and has been binding since.

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@RebekahWilson that’s awesome! We’d definitely be down to have her teach this at Asmbly. So much opportunity for cross shop collaboration with a craft like this.


Not super relevant, but I almost bought this massive bookbinding press from UT Surplus a few years ago. Could’ve been a good start to ASMBLYs bookbinding workspace :joy: