Big CNC just stalled

Hi, I’m currently using the big CNC doing 3D carving. Roughing went all good and was doing the finish until the machine stalled. All axes stop moving and spindle stopped rotating. All in the middle of the code. Power is still getting to the machine.
Pictures attached
What should I do?

This happened to me recently, and I just closed all those warning dialog boxes, checked that my origin was still in the correct location, and began the run again.

Just closed the warning windows and tried to raise the spindle pressing Safe-Z. Nothing happened except for a new warning window that came up saying the emergency stop got triggered?! How come?

I’m not sure. Do check that you didn’t depress the emergency stop somehow – though that seems very unlikely.

Will the spindle move using the keyboard (PageUp)?
You might try re-homing the machine.

Other things you might try, but they are progressively more likely to disturb your origin, which might make restarting difficult or impossible (depending on how you set the origin initially):

  1. Using the LinuxCNC icon to unpower and repower the machine
  2. Restarting LinuxCNC
  3. Shutting down LinuxCNC, cycling the physical power to the controllers, and restarting LinuxCNC

Turns out the Toggle machine power [F2] icon was depressed. So I pressed it down again then checked my origins which were unchanged. Then started the code again from zero (didn’t know where it was at) and now it’s cutting again. Super weird…

The error that triggered those messages probably automatically toggled the machine power off.

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It seems sometimes large files cause the internal memory to run low. I would restart the CNC computer. When it comes on, home the machine but dont reset the work piece coordinates. Try running the program again after that.

@jamesfreeman interesting that you’re mentioning the internal memory… Before, I used to copy my files on the desktop and run them from there. With this new computer, I can’t find them on there when I do so, so I run them from my flash drive instead. Could that be why?

Not sure about that. I run all my files from a flash drive.

You’re in the unpowered state. You need to hit the orange power icon on the screen.

The origin will never be lost unless you overwrite it manually. You can resume from a tripped breaker shutting the whole thing down.

You don’t have to restart the whole job, you can resume with Run From Here at any point you see is safe like a horizontal rapid. ALWAYS remember to restart the spindle before doing Run From Here

This appears to be a problem with the fanless NUC I switched to. The BIOS has unmaskable interrupts that glitch the realtime OS, but too rarely for me to find while testing. There’s another computer for it, but then it got announced we’re switching to the Laguna.