Bending aluminum plate

This info probably exists somewhere on the internet, but I wanted an excuse to ask a question here because I’m new and I want to meet more of you.

I’m kicking off a project to make an aluminum stand for a coffee maker. The prototype was made using ⅛" steel that was powder coated. I know very little about the different types of aluminum, are there types that would be better suited for bending? Any need for heating it up pre or post bending? I need to put two 90 degree bends in it. I’m guessing that the plate thickness will be around 3/16"

Also is water jet the best method for cutting? The edge quality is important.

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5052 is better suited to bending without cracking than 6061. There are techniques to heating and bending 6061 without cracking. I think 6061 machines a tiny bit cleaner than 5052


Good to know @JoeN For this project machinability isn’t that important. What method would you suggest for cutting the plate? Do you have the ability to run an aluminum plate cutting job?


Cut it on an adequate laser, or CNC plasma cuter for final prototyping.

If you doing a lot of trial and error or RND you can get by with jig saws, or circular/table saws with a carbide tipped blade.


Is that big ol’ machine that just showed up in the shop capable of doing this? I think I may make a prototype using a jigsaw. That’s a good idea. Do you all have suggestions for sourcing 5052 aluminum plate locally?

aluminum’s low melting point makes it tricky to laser - you need to move really fast to keep the kerf from blowing out, so you counter-intuitively need a ton of power. Our fiber laser likely wouldn’t achieve good results in 3/16 aluminum.

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I can cut the al. 1/8” is fine for my fiber laser. 3/16” al would need to be cut by different means.

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If you’re unable to cut aluminum yourself, or have it cut locally, you can order it from SendCutSend

They will also do bending and finishing and other services too.

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I go to Westbrook Metals for the convenience. But there’s a supplier in South Austin that’s open weekends.

Any metal supplier will have 5052 sheet. Ask around for who can sell you a 1/2 sheet.

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This is 1/8” 5052 cut and untouched post cut on a fiber laser. The pierce marks comes off pretty easily with a finger nail. There is the slightest bit of dross on the back. It is easily removed with a file, or scotch brite wheel


Kids at school could print it … Printing liquid metal

Printing Liquid Metal - the video

Please lmk if you’d like an intro to the Self Assembly Lab team and I’ll see what I can do.

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