Asmbly waiver email field max length issue

New member, attended the orientation and paid my fees and filed my waiver, however I noticed the waiver input field uses a max length of 36 characters for the email address and it truncated part of my email.

I use +filters to identify where emails come from and so my email reached 37 characters, so it matches everywhere else I’ve been able to sign up except the waiver.

Planning to email the membership team to followup on this, but is there a web team/admin who can field this particular technical issue?

Having done full stack web engineering for 15 years I’m also interested in volunteering time to the website and such, but baby steps I suppose.

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I happen to know that it’s necessary to use the SAME exact email on all aspects of the sign up process

I understand this, I ran into this issue after I already had most everything else setup.

It’s an arbitrary limitation of the waiver email input field and I think it just needs to be brought to someone’s attention.

You’ll be delighted then when you find out the Discourse is set to not let you reply too quickly and “please wait 12 more seconds” :joy_cat:

Hi Brandtley! I’ll pass this along to our admins. Thank you!

@branacleboy The character limit is set to 99, but it will shorten based on the box size. We’ve made the box bigger, so you should be able to sign it now. Just make sure you don’t zoom in on the box. Let us know if this fixed the problem!


Seemed to work just fine :slight_smile: Thank you for following up on this!