Asmbly Summer Youth Programming

Howdy yall, Asmbly is in the beginning stages of crafting summer youth programming! This has been a goal of many for a long time, and I am excited to help bring it to life.

Our goal at Asmbly is to empower Austin’s creative makers, and many of you know how liberating and uplifting it is to find your creative stride at a young age.

I am writing this in hopes to begin to identify leaders who want to help in some capacity with this dream. From input in crafting programming, leading the youth in their pursuit of creativity, to picking up snacks.

We would love to hear how you would want to partner with us.


This sounds like a really awesome program! I have taught/facilitated a few creative workshops in the past, and I’ve also tutored mathematics/python programming for 4-5 years! Do let me know how this develops, I’d be very interested in participating


Hey Mikey, I’m excited to see this activity come to life! Whether I’m helping prepare a fun lesson with riddling challenges or entertaining students with humorous code, I’m eager to offer whatever support you need. I’d love to hear more about your initial plans so we can establish a solid starting point and build on it together.


Would love to help make this successful - Creative entrepreneurship, prototyping dream ideas, from coding Python apps to building fantasical musical instruments, to helping build assistive devices (to help people see, hear, move better and live purposeful lives). I love teaching - more appropriately, learning together - especially working with newbies to get them going. Count me in. :+1:t3: // JRO


Join Us for a Youth Summer Programming Focus Group! We’re excited to invite you to a

Youth Summer Programming Focus Group to help shape the future of our summer courses for young makers! We’re looking for input on course offerings, identifying potential teachers, and planning our path forward to ensure the program meets the needs of our community.


  • When: Thursday, March 13th, 6:00-7:30 PM
  • Where: Asmbly Makerspace

This is a great opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas, and to be part of the exciting direction we’re headed with our youth programming. Whether you’re a parent, educator, or just passionate about making, we’d love to have you there. Plus, I will bring some snacks!

RSVP Here:


@mikeyhuff – Thrilled to see this! I’d love to contribute, though I’ll be out of town on the 13th. I RSVP’d no but included my email—please keep me in the loop for future updates, and I’d love to sync up anytime after the 17th if you’re around.

I spent several years running international rowing camps for high school students and can support program design and operations—especially for elements outside or between learning sessions (e.g., food, transport, welcome experience, group activities, parent communications, reflective discussions, behavior standards, etc.). I can also tap past colleagues for input on risk management plans, staff & volunteer training, mandated reporting, and handling sensitive situations like sending a student home, if any of that becomes relevant.

I also spent the past two years in grad school studying student experiences with shop equipment and mobile robots. That work raised more questions than answers, but happy to share insights if useful.

I’ve been an Asmbly member since October, though mostly quiet on Discourse while working through classes and personal projects. Excited to get more involved—and always happy to pick up snacks as well!


Thanks for the reply here @Brad! I’m adding you (as well as you @jro_cambria :slight_smile: ) to the Basecamp project we’re setting up from the meeting tonight. I’ll get our notes and action items all in there tomorrow. Excited to work with everyone on this!

FYI — I’m going to close this thread in favor of this more recent one here to make sure comments stay together and don’t get lost.

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