Asmbly on KOOP Community Partners Chat 📻

If you missed it Monday night, @Jordanva2 and I were on the debut episode of KOOP Radio’s new program “Community Partners Chat”! This interview was recorded several months ago (I’m now a month plus post-wedding :sweat_smile:), but it just aired this past Monday 6/3. They’ll keep the recording on their website until the next CPC episode airs.

Didn’t know this was happening?

Be sure you’re checking out the Asmbly Events page, following us on social media (IG, FB), and subscribing to our monthly newsletter


Listened to the whole thing – you both knocked it out of the park! We’re lucky to have you represent the space :smiley:


@Branislav :blush:
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FYI — we have a new page on our website with a link to the permanent home of this recording (on our YouTube channel) along with other press stories about Asmbly. Press - Asmbly Makerspace