April Entrepreneur Meetup Success!

Hello Fellow Entrepreneurs,

Here’s a recap of last night’s Entrepreneur Meetup in case you weren’t able to make it! Tonight we opened by discussing the purpose of this group and some logistics moving forward! We plan to continue using a semi-casual format with some structure around resources shared and presentations, but allowing freedom for open discussion, show and tell, and Q+A during every session!

This week we touched on the Founder’s Academy event that was mentioned on Discourse, and then walked through some resources available to all for those who missed that! Here is the video from tonight, titled “Build a Company, Not Just A Product”. This led us into a discussion of our favorite resources as Entrepreneurs, and then an open discussion on topics we want to dive into in the future! Some of these included:

  • Outlet to finding mentors
  • How to get into retail, local retail, how pricing works with that
  • Maker Fairs, other fairs, blue genie - where to vend? Exhibition options, pooling for a more expensive booth (ex: pecan st)
  • Marketing
  • Passive Income
  • App Development / Software as a Service
  • Social media - best way to do it, and what apps to do it with?
  • Social media content specific to what you’re actually working on
  • Shopify selling - pushing products

We also had a show and tell portion where we shared product samples with each other!

I look forward to next month’s session, which will be on Thursday, May 16th @ 7:00pm! In the meantime, I’ll post any updates here. Let me know if you have any questions!

Onward and upward, fellow makers + entrepreneurs!