Apollo Bed Not Preheating

When I came in, Apollo had an error “BED PREHEAT ERROR” displaying on its screen. I restarted OctoPrint and Apollo (following the wiki directions), and tried preheating again, but ran into something like “M112 called an emergency stop,” and the bed never moved from ~27-28°.

I reported via the red QR code, just wanted to see whether there was anything else I could try to troubleshoot or fix this on my own.

OctoPrint had the following output:

Recv: T:214.9 /215.0 B:27.4 /60.0 T0:214.9 /215.0 @:30 B@:127 P:0.0 A:34.7
Recv: T:214.7 /215.0 B:27.3 /60.0 T0:214.7 /215.0 @:34 B@:127 P:0.0 A:34.6
Recv: T:215.2 /215.0 B:27.4 /60.0 T0:215.2 /215.0 @:25 B@:127 P:0.0 A:34.6
Recv: T:215.4 /215.0 B:27.3 /60.0 T0:215.4 /215.0 @:22 B@:127 P:0.0 A:34.9
Recv: T:215.2 /215.0 B:27.2 /60.0 T0:215.2 /215.0 @:25 B@:127 P:0.0 A:34.6
Recv: T:214.6 /215.0 B:27.3 /60.0 T0:214.6 /215.0 @:34 B@:127 P:0.0 A:34.7
Recv: T:214.9 /215.0 B:27.6 /60.0 T0:214.9 /215.0 @:29 B@:127 P:0.0 A:34.5
Recv: T:215.2 /215.0 B:27.1 /60.0 T0:215.2 /215.0 @:25 B@:127 P:0.0 A:34.6
Recv: T:214.7 /215.0 B:27.1 /60.0 T0:214.7 /215.0 @:33 B@:127 P:0.0 A:34.6
Recv: T:215.1 /215.0 B:27.1 /60.0 T0:215.1 /215.0 @:27 B@:127 P:0.0 A:34.7
Recv: T:214.9 /215.0 B:27.8 /60.0 T0:214.9 /215.0 @:30 B@:127 P:0.0 A:34.7
Recv: T:215.0 /215.0 B:27.8 /60.0 T0:215.0 /215.0 @:28 B@:127 P:0.0 A:35.1
Recv: T:215.2 /215.0 B:27.6 /60.0 T0:215.2 /215.0 @:25 B@:127 P:0.0 A:34.2
Recv: T:214.7 /215.0 B:27.2 /60.0 T0:214.7 /215.0 @:33 B@:127 P:0.0 A:34.6
Recv: T:214.8 /215.0 B:27.2 /60.0 T0:214.8 /215.0 @:31 B@:127 P:0.0 A:34.6
Recv: T:215.0 /215.0 B:27.1 /60.0 T0:215.0 /215.0 @:28 B@:127 P:0.0 A:34.5
Recv: T:215.1 /215.0 B:27.0 /60.0 T0:215.1 /215.0 @:27 B@:127 P:0.0 A:35.1
Recv: LCD status changed
Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Error"

Thanks Cam and @atwatsoniii for reporting this problem. I’ve opened a red tag thread. We’ll look into this as soon as we can.