i came in to use Qidi and i can’t login using, Tuesday night 7.00 pm
It appears as though the raspberry pi is offline so it needs to be reset.
I came in tonight to print and found the situation still FUBAR. I power cycled the Raspberry Pi just now, but after 10 minutes it had not re-appeared at either or
An nmap discovered the following:
- - OctoPrint for CR-10S+
- - OctoPrint for ROBO R1+
- - OctoPrint for CR-10S+
- OctoPrint for ROBO R1+
edit: FIXED.
- 192.168.1.{120,137}:5001 - OctoPrint for PolyPrinter 229
- 192.168.1.{120,137}:80 - OctoPrint for QIDI
I dragged it into the lab and plugged a keyboard and monitor into it, and whatdyeknow, it came right up. Of course, I don’t have the local password anyway, so I’m not sure what I was going to do other than peek at it’s wpa_supplicant.conf file. Anyway, “Third reboot’s the charm.”
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yeah i just logged in to see if it was back up and it appears to be online.