3/4” MT3 drill chuck

I mistakenly bought a 3/4” drill chuck with an MT3 taper rather than the MT2 taper that our lathes take:

The item title says MT2 but it is probably just a typo since the detailed description says MT3 and I must have not read it carefully enough. Before I try to return it I wanted to see if Asmbly or any individual member could make use of it. I do still need to be able to put a 3/4” shank bit on one of the wood lathes, so if anybody thinks it’s worth trying to adapt this chuck or replace the arbor rather than just getting one that’s already good to go, let me know. Or maybe we already have one that I just couldn’t find!

Anyway, if you can put this to good use as is let me know and it’s yours, otherwise I’m going to try to return or maybe adapt it.

MT3 too big!

Next to MT2

@mgmoore, is using the metal lathe’s chuck on the wood lathe allowed?

The metal lathe’s end stock uses an MT4 taper, even bigger than the too big tool he got. It would not fit.

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We would need a MT3 to MT4 adapter. Something like this. Amazon.com