3/16" Clear Acrylic available for purchase

Just letting those interested that I have 10 - 12"x24" sheets of clear acrylic for purchase of $12, size is 3/16" let me know if you would like to purchase. I have also left some samples of the acrylic that if others would like to purchase as a group we can get together to discuss and purchase a 48" x 96" sheet and have them cut down to size.


Hi Allzman!

I have been mulling around with the idea of building a housing for my 3D printer, so I’d definitely be interested in a group buy for a big piece of acrylic.

I don’t have the dimensions and I’m not at home right now, but my printer is an artillery sidewinder X2.
The published dimensions are 550 x 405 x 640 mm (21.7 x 16 x 25.2 inches), but the spool-holder would be relocated from the top of the gantry to the exterior of an exclosure so probably a few inches shorter than that. I would probably want enough acrylic to just build all 6 sides from acrylic depending on cost.

Hey Art, I’ll take a sheet or two off your hands.

Chris, how quick are you needing them? I will be up at the shop around 5:00ish for a 6:pm leather class. If you needed it sooner let me know. What is the best form of payment you use? I pretty much am set up with paypal, venmo, cashapp, zelle, apple, messenger, and square. Let me know and then I will take the sheets up to shop and leave for you at shop. Thanks

I won’t be up there today, so no rush. Send me a DM with your Venmo info and I’ll send you the fundage.


Clear is going to be the cheapest at $208 tax included for a sheet of 48"x96" comes out to about $6.50 sq. ft. I was also looking at the translucent colors is $276 for 3/16" 48"x96" which is $8.63 sq. ft. I left some samples squares in laser locker if you want to take a look. Let’s figure out how much you need and we can go from there. I am just assuming you want something you can view on whats going on during printing.

I’ll buy two sheets!

ok, I will leave them in the textile room with your name on it. Let me know what works best for you on payment. I pretty much am set up with paypal, venmo, cashapp, zelle, apple, messenger, and square.


I could use a 12”x24” if it’s still available

Michael, there should be two pieces in the laser room (by pearl) that say they are for sale. If you like take one of those and you can pay via paypal, venmo, cashapp, zelle, apple, messenger, and square.

Just send me your preference and Ill send you info, or if you want to do cash we can set up a time when we can meet up at asmbly.

If you don’t see the pieces I am speaking of just let me know and I can take some up there.

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I am looking for a piece of clear acrylic 12” x 24” x 1/2” thick. Does your supplier sell this?

Bill they do, only thing is we have to buy 4’x8’ then they will cut to our spec. Would you like me to get a price for you? Then what I am doing is selling off the other pieces or if we can get others to go in then that is an option as well.

Let me know what you think.


Yes I would be interested in purchasing the 1’ x 2’ piece of 1/2" thick clear. Can you please price it out for me. Thanks

ok, I checked with the supplier so it is $425 plus tax, comes to $460 so you looking at $14.38 a square ft. so your looking at $28.76 for a 1’x2’ piece.

So I guess we can put out a call and see who might be interested.

Cheapest I found online was $40 includes shipping. This would be for 1/2 cast acrylic, some places had it as hight as $80 bucks.

What do you think.

Have you looked at estreetplastics? 1’x2’ 1/2" clear acrylic there is $21.89 plus shipping – Clear Plexiglass Acrylic Sheets 1/2" Thick

With shipping it still comes out to $40.50, so buying a full sheet and then sell off what is not needed, ideally would be cheaper if you can wait to sell the sheets you don’t need.

I’m in! I’ll take a 1’ x 2’ piece. Thanks!!

Bill are you wanting a 1’x2’ 3/16 piece of clear acrylic? If so I can leave a piece for you at Asmbly today. Just let me know how’d prefer to pay, it’s $12.


I’m needing thicker plastic, do you have 1/2” or 7/16” clear available?

Billie, I do not have that available. Supplier does but again we would have to purchase 4x8 sheet then have it cut down. Al though that is over a little more than $400 for the sheet. So we would have to get folks to commit and pitch in.

Let me know what you think.
