For a home shop you would want to store 4x8 in the big bin but for Asmbly you also segment that side into multiple sizes like the front of the one shown.
For me, the longer offcuts would just get stacked up on the shelves so that I had to remove many pieces before I could even know what was under them or would be too long to store along with sheets in this unit that would only ever be 4 ft on a side and that’s why I built the vertical setup with the 4 bins.
@lukeg between your design and what you posted from the WW, I think there’s a winner in here. @Glory2God what do you think?
@drew.hynes , I love wood turning scraps. I think I could go either way on this one. It’s nice having them separated right now so folks know “This is for wood turning use”. On the other hand, if it would overall save space and if clearly labeled it could work.