Tarkin 11/20 morning schedule

I see talking is booked all day for training in skedda. Is there any way I can get in in the morning if there aren’t any classes? I’d like to come in at 10 if the laser will be free.

Cc @valerie

I think that should work @MisterMayhem, but I’m still trying to get confirmation on more weekend sessions right now. Let me circle back to you on this tomorrow. Thanks for pinging me!

Actually there are so many spots open in the sessions we have Sunday onwards and it’s short notice for Saturday so I’m going to go ahead and open it up. I’ll add your booking Sunday 10a-1p.

Awesome! Thank you!

I’m not seeing any Tarkin Classes on the schedule yet…Am I looking in the wrong place? Asmbly | Classes

That is the right place; we don’t have full classes up yet. Right now we’re running through training for current Asmbly laser users (see this thread - Tarkin Training - action needed!). We should have some full classes up in the next week or so for members who have not taken laser classes at Asmbly before with early December class dates.

@Valerie Thanks! I’m a Big Red user so registered on that other thread.

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