Shark CNC: Want to get certified to use it?

Thanks @Valreia I’m super excited to hear the news, but I’m still interested in getting access to the Shark. I struck out this weekend and when I tried to jump over to the big machine it was also down.

I’m not sure exactly what was wrong, but it looked like the USB stick for the remote was missing. Maybe it got removed when the system was moved to make room for the fiber laser?

The USB stick for the remote is fine. The USB extension cable it’s on was flaky so we moved the stick straight to the USB port on the machine

Thanks Danny. It must have been me then. I’ll book some time later this week, review my notes from your class, and try again. I got it booted up fine, homed the machine, loaded my G-Code, but couldn’t get the remote to work to do the zero. Operator error I guess. Thanks for the quick reply.

Please note that after the upgrade to LinuxCNC 2.8, the system will not do manual movement on the X axis prior to home-all, as the 2 “X” joints are not synchronized in software. Y and Z can still be moved manually. Once homed, then the X axis is fully functional.