NPO Fundraiser - soft launch

Super excited to quietly announce the launch of our GoFundMe nonprofit transition fundraiser (shhh, we’re keeping it just amongst members for the moment while we keep polishing it up). Special big thanks to @jamesfreeman, @JennChilds, @Mollie, @buzmeg, and @Jon who all put a TON of hours and thought into helping create this campaign and develop the strategy around it.

We’ve got a few improvements lined up including adding a short promo video and getting our websites in order for better linking to more info – this is why we’re keeping it quiet for the moment. We’re hoping to be ready to make a loud splash in a week or so and will update here to let you all know when it’s a good time to share this with your family, friends, workmates, enemies, etc. (seriously, the more the merrier!). For now, if you’d like to go ahead and make a contribution you can do so to help us “salt the tip jar” :wink: and help us get some of these projects started.

A few things to note:

  • The team that worked on this fundraiser recognized that a milestone of “transition costs” isn’t very fun or sexy for a campaign. Instead, we distributed that cost across other milestones so that it gets rolled up in the total. That means the bathroom reno budget is not actually $2k, so no high tech toilets this go 'round.
  • You can see the current space reorganization in the picture below, but please do note this is very much so a “work in progress not set in stone” image (i.e. don’t freak out if you see something you don’t like, just ask us about it :slight_smile: ).
  • The Great Purge of 2021 is soon approaching! A massive disposition of items is coming soon. Hosting agreements will be re-established under Asmbly with @EricP and any equipment without an agreement will be moving out. Part of the process will provide members an opportunity to take unclaimed items (when a friendly nudge to make a donation to the fundraiser :blush: ) and if we have any large items that lots of people are interested in, we may consider setting up auctions for those. Stay tuned for more info on all that in the coming weeks and if you have extra things lying around in the space, start making plans to move them out.

Just to reiterate, as stated above, this image is NOT final and still a work in progress.

OK, so without further adieu, on the down low, here’s the fundraiser –