Static IP address

Not sure who to address this to but I am needing to get a couple static IP addresses set to a couple raspberry pi’s that will be running the 3D printers once it’s all done and setup. I have one of the pi’s there already. I really would like to get the Linksys switch that was in the 3D printer area back up and going so that i can run drop from it to the Pi’s. I noticed that we have a Ubiquiti router which is the same brand i use at home. So i could set them up if given the credentials. I am also fine with someone assisting me in setting them up if that information is above my “pay grade” so to speak.

I think @elrod and @Jon are the ones in the know on the router setup. One of them should be able to set some internal static IPs for you.

Still need assistance with this since members are having issues connecting to the printers when they change ip addresses

This remains unresolved. Setting 4 static IP addresses shouldn’t take 2 months to assign unless you are trying to get the information via smoke signals and still then I feel it would have been done before two months.

Think of it in terms as if the SawStop needed a saw blade that was on-hand, and only 2 people had access to the cabinet or toolbox to obtain the saw blade for the members to use. That’s the same thing that’s happening here.

If the people who have the power to change these things don’t have the time to do it, that should be communicated. Especially, when there are plenty of people who are more than competent enough to go in and set the IPs. The member handbook states, “ATXHS is a member/volunteer-run organization.… Part of being a member is getting involved in the community to help out in some way.”

This is complete speculation but, I assume people take the 3D printing class because they have something in mind they want to attempt. However, without an established guideline to access the printers, we are setting them up to fail. Moreso, I am setting them up to fail.

To be 100% honest, if I didn’t know anything about the printers at the shop, it wouldn’t concern me in the slightest. Why? Because I have 2, 3d printers of my own at my house. So I’m not on my soapbox because I am affected. I am saying all this so that it makes for a better experience for those who are affected.