I’m curious about the current process/plan/perspective for using space for meetings? I’m interested in using space for a junto that might be Asmbly members only, a mix of members and non-, as well as non-members (except of course myself).
We don’t have all the details sorted yet, but have a small bit on the COVID Policies page on our wiki - Covid Policies - Asmbly Wiki
The process will evolve more over time, has just been taking a bit of a backseat lately. The short of what we currently have in place – details need to be submitted to the board for approval and meeting must be sponsored by a current Asmbly member who will be there and handle letting people in/being responsible for non-Asmbly folks. There are scheduling logistics we have to consider to make sure the multipurpose room (aka lounge) won’t already be in use for classes, so we’ll need plenty of notice to sort out those details.
Ok, so the short is not really a mechanism in place to do that sort of stuff in a timely manner currently. I’ll leave it with several questions that might help guide future policy/implementation. I’m really not looking for any sort of resolution at this point as this was the answer I expected.
When you speak of ‘…details need to be submitted…’ shouldn’t there be some details as to what those are?
With regard to scheduling logistics, so there isn’t a calendar for that space to schedule currently? Which is problematic to me, as this implies there is no recognition of a need for an ad hoc space where people can come to work on a project away from domestic distractions. It’s just sort of weird to have a lounge one has to schedule to use And yes, I am well aware of the changes going on and the conflicts these cause, I’m not completely unaware of how a makerspace works. One of the things I personally was looking forward to was being able to come in 2-3 times a week to work on my projects in that area (e.g. planning or programming). I’ll put that off for the time being.
As to ‘…plenty of notice…’ it seems to me that needs to be a 2-way street in regards to how much warning the board needs as well as what is the maximum time they are allowed to consider the proposal before giving a response. I’m not a big fan of default “No” drop-deads as they provide an easy way out of actually dealing with responsibility. I would suggest the default should be “Yes” (I am paying after all to use the space) with regard to scheduling unless the board can justify a negative (i.e. First come, first served as other people are also paying to use the space).
Just my $.02.
Happy Holidays!
Correct, there is not really a mechanism in place for lots of reasons –
- changes from the pandemic put a hold on these types of events for some time
- the layout of the space has changed to make more room for additional equipment and new dedicated spaces, which has shifted where these types of events can occur
- the board focuses time on present needs and larger grand scheme things; we don’t spend time developing processes for things people aren’t asking for unless it’s part of a larger grand scheme we’re working towards
- we’re only just recently back in a place pandemic wise to support meet up type events again
- this is the first time someone has requested for this since we’ve gotten back into said place
A lot of people have been working hard to build up classes at Asmbly, so currently those take precedence. I was vague about exactly how much notice is needed because, as already pointed out, we don’t have a defined process yet and there are several other people that need to be involved in the discussion to figure out the right timeline there. I’m not sure what “plenty of notice” means to you, but my thought was at least a week. We’re all volunteers, so we need time to be able to get the request and make sure there isn’t something already in flight that hasn’t been finalized quite yet. I would think a lot of people gathering for a meetup would also want some notice. I’m surprised that comes across as negatively as you appear to have taken it.
Details to submit? The basics – who (Asmbly sponsor responsible), what (electronics group? woodworker enthusiasts? metal lovers?), when (date, time, duration). Particularly for any meetups that are recurring, we want to know a little about it so that we can mention it to others and let more people know who might be interested.
I’m not sure where you saw a default “no” in the policy or my response, but needing to submit info and verify that there are not schedule conflicts is not the same as no.
I do miss our community getting together for specific common interests. Of course COVID has created a different time and things had to be done differently, but it’s sorely missed. I look forward to being able to do this again