Me and some friends are working on a home server.
It’s to try and do some resume building with at-home projects for a friend wanting to get into IT.
I designed a mini rack using Din rail as the main mounting method.
I looked up some din rail rack designs on thingiverse and I didn’t care for what they had so I designed my own rack. With internal and external rails. A carry handle. And you can store it vertical or horizontal. ->
After getting the mini-rack design I was ready to start mounting some pi’s. Looking on thingiverse. Once again there were some designs, but i didn’t like them, some of them would break during install or were challenging to print. So i went and modified the regular pi cases and added my own din rail clip to them. ->
I’ve got about a dozen pi’s all dating back from the pi 1B. It’s nice to finally have a use for them.
We had our first jam session getting them setup.
We managed to setup a openVPN on one so we can have remote access to the others. They are all running headless so most of the first jam session was just setting them up for use.
It was a good 6 hour jam getting them all running.
This is still a work in progress. I’m wanting to set a pi up as a web host, and another as a mysql database for the spaces aquaponics system to load data to. And not sure what to use the others for. But we’ll figure it out.
This is still a work in progress but I’m liking how it’s going so far.