New booking space in Skedda - Artisan Workbench

Just wanted to let everyone know there is a new booking space available in Skedda for the Artisan Woodworking Table! During our board meeting discussion tonight, we came to realize this deserve it’s own slot as work in this area is generally pretty separate from the rest of the woodshop. Like with other booking areas – such as the CNC, lathe, and lasers – it is fine to make a few cuts in the woodshop to prepare the material you will use in this area, but booking this space means you are spending well over 90% of your time at this workbench.


If people don’t think the name makes sense or have feedback on additional info for the description, please speak up! Also not totally sold on the emoji, but I figured since a frame has joints and it’s often joinery work done at this table maybe that kind of works :woman_shrugging:. Open to other suggestions from this list here.


I’m into it! Thanks!

Thanks for the head’s up! Just curious - where in the shop is this table?

I thought you would be @gmossessian!

@doug.squires this is the table close to the pegboard wall and scrap cart nearest the bathroom and red laser. It’s this one (taken from the image in the storage section of the member handbook):