Bandsaw Usage Update

As of today, the small and medium blade bandsaws are up and running with no issue! Unfortunately there’s still an inconsistent start problem with the large bandsaw.

TLDR; Don’t use the stop button on these machines in particular. Use the foot break going forward. It has a more immediate stop on the blade and means the stop button is less prone to being twisted out of place.

The nitty gritty…

The large bandsaw issue is likely to do with the stop button mechanism not resetting to allow the machine to start. I noticed small bandsaw number 1 was showing signs of the stop button having it’s own little party as well and getting close to the state of the resaw bandsaw. When I took the plate off it seemed the wiring was almost completely twisted around. This tells me folks either have not been using a gentle touch with this incredibly slight twist-to-reset mechanism, or folks have been thinking they need to twist the entire button. The symbols on the button is not the best UX in my opinion so I could understand the latter.

I will reach out to Grizzly soon about the large bandsaw in an effort to get that permanently fixed.

To offer a safer approach for both you and the machine, use the footbreak to stop the blade going forward. This will nearly immediately stop the blade from spinning and there’s no need to fuss with twisting a stop button to get the machine running again.

Al I ask is to please not stomp hard down on the foot break. It doesn’t require much force to stop the blade.

Happy sawing!


Using these cheap e-stop switches to turn off the machine was a terrible design decision by Grizzly. Small e-stops are meant for emergencies only, which means they aren’t designed for the repeated cycling a regular stop switch experiences. Once they are out of warranty, we should consider adding a separate stop button in addition to the e-stop button.


Update on the Resaw Bandsaw G0569!

The bandsaw is operational with an asterisk.

TLDR: Make sure the foot break is all the way up before starting it.

The Emergency Stop button is already loose and wiggling around. We’re considering alternative options here, but in the meantime please do not use this unless it is an emergency.

The foot-break should be used to stop the saw. A light break is all that is needed, no stomping required. The resaw bandsaw will take 1-2 seconds for the blade to stop while the smaller bandsaws will take less than a second.

And with Grizzly Tech Support’s blessing and recommendation, I’m going to place a “No” sticker directly on the E-Stop buttons.